ChessBase 17 not working properly? Try this first!

by clement

Install updates – and ChessBase 17 will be up and running again

On July 12, 2024, the 27th update for ChessBase 17, which was released in the fall of 2022, was made available. The ChessBase programmers devote a lot of time to constantly improving the user experience and making it as pleasant and efficient as possible.

Occasionally, users contact us to report bugs, i.e. alleged programming errors. Of course, there are always bugs in complex new programs, but in the case of ChessBase 17, many things have already been solved and/or improved. It often turns out that the alleged errors only occur because the installed program has not been updated to the latest version. This is often because the update has not been offered, simply because the user has not logged in to ChessBase 17. Logging in is a prerequisite for retrieving the latest update.

The update step by step:


In ChessBase 17, you’ll find a key in the top right-hand corner. If it says “Log out” and next to it your username, you’re logged in. If it says Log in and no name is displayed, it’s time to log in:

The user is logged in by name.

The user is not logged in: he appears as a “guest”.

If you haven’t yet registered with ChessBase, you can do so here here.

The CB17 serial number guarantees you at least 3 months’ subscription to ChessBase Premium.


If you have an account and are logged in, it’s very simple. Go to the “File/Activate” menu in the top left-hand corner:

Enter the requested letters in the pop-up window and click OK:

You’ll receive confirmation that your program has been activated:

Then go to the “Activation” tab and click on “Program update”:

After updating, or if your ChessBase 17 is already up to date, the following screen appears:

Congratulations – you can now use ChessBase with the latest version and without any unnecessary problems.

Any further questions? Visit our support center.


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