Compose your own chess problem!

by clement

Chess problem composition contest

Our chess problem composition contest is organized and managed by Anirudh Daga who, despite his young age, is already a fervent creator of chess problems.

The competition closes on January 21, 2024. So you still have some time to build your chess problem, whether it’s a checkmate, endgame or other problem.

Prizes at stake are as follows:

ChessBase magazine and its evolution over the decades

In 1988, we published the very first edition of our CBM. At the time, it looked like this:

ChessBase Magazine 1/1988 (click to enlarge).

Of course, everything was on paper, but over the years we’ve included the games on floppy disk, then DVD, with full video articles. In recent years, subscribers have also been able to download each edition.

But for thirty years, ChessBase Magazine only ran on the Windows operating system: you needed the ChessBase program to read the digital version. In the meantime, we’ve developed ChessBase eBooks, and the latest issue of CBM, just released (January 2024), is the first to appear in this new format, so subscribers have full mobile access. You can read it in a web browser, on your laptop, Mac, iPad, Android tablet, and even on your cell phone. Thanks to the new ChessBase eBooks system, all content is available: analyses, videos, repertoire articles, tactical, strategic and finals exercises with interactive videos!

The look of CBM #217 (click to enlarge). Today, it works interactively and is also available as an e-book.

The three winners of our problem contest will receive free copies of ChessBase magazine #217. The competition is open exclusively to amateur players and problem creators.

Frederic’s chess tales

This book has been available since last autumn. Frederic has been editor-in-chief of the English-language ChessBase news site since 1997, and has experienced chess history first-hand and personally. Over the years, he has made the acquaintance of countless people and stars of the chess world, whom he masterfully describes in his Frederic’s Chess Tales (“Frederic’s Chess Tales”).

Long-time readers may recognize the origin of some stories and the articles that inspired them. But more often than not, they were published before many of our readers were even born!

To the right, you can see the book’s table of contents. In all, there are twenty chapters that can be read interactively on your laptop, smartphone, tablet, iPad or any other gadget with one of the standard internet browsers.

By way of example, here is the introduction which we’ve opened up for all to read. It describes the intention and functions of the new ChessBase ebook format. If you would like to read the following nineteen chapters, you can purchase the complete book for only 9€90.

One of our contest winners will receive a copy of the book as a prize!

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