One era is coming to an end – the new one is already here…

by clement

If we take out the 5¼ or 3½ inch floppy disks from the ChessBase “museum cupboard” today, we’ll no doubt get a quizzical look from our visitors: “What on earth are these weird square disks?” CDs, which have also already disappeared from the assortment, at least still look like DVDs, but both are no longer either uptodate! That’s why the Hamburg-based company is focusing even more intensively on downloading, streaming and ChessBase Books.

ChessBase-Geschäftsführer Rainer WoisinMr Woisin, tell us the story of the first DVD published by ChessBase!
Well, the DVD wasn’t the beginning of the story. We first had our database of 1,000 games on floppy disk – at the time for Atari, then for the first PCs. The next technical advance was the CD in 1991. We still had to import our finals CD from the USA. We had innovative products and had to encourage chess players to buy a computer first. It was the only way they could use our products. Believe it or not, in the early days we even sold CD players!

How many copies are we talking about, and when did we start?
The first floppy disks with databases were sent out in the late 1980s. In 1991, we launched the first finals CD, and in December 2003, we entered the DVD era with the first DVD. Mega Database and in 2004, the first video course on DVD-ROM was released: the FritzTrainer by Matthias Wahls Opening traps.
In total, we have produced over a million DVD-ROMs in 20 years.

An impressive record. Why won’t DVD be available in the future?
Last week, Harald Schneider-Zinner published Taktikschule 3. This was the first FritzTrainer title to be released without DVD. The packaging now contains only the activation code. Most customers didn’t even notice, because 90% of them order downloads from us instead of DVDs by post. And those who buy a computer today don’t even get a DVD drive with it!

What’s more, the new distribution channels offer a number of advantages for both customers and the environment.
Precisely: because on the one hand, customers can download and use their product immediately, and on the other, they can access their product database anywhere and at any time – including during a tournament – and thus prepare to face their opponents on site, for example. And the “backup copy” is on the ChessBase server! What’s more, the elimination of DVDs and the new packaging save a lot of plastic and help protect the environment.
How is this technically solved?

Downloading has been very simple with us for years and, as with streaming or the ChessBase Book, all you have to do is enter the product code you receive with your purchase and off you go (see instructions below).

What do collectors who are proud of their ChessBase DVD shelf do?
They can keep on collecting! Those who wish to receive a title by post receive the access code in attractive packaging, enabling them to download and install the product. The booklet looks great on the shelf and is also suitable as a gift. And, very importantly, our titles can of course continue to be purchased in this form in retail outlets!

Mr. Woisin, thank you for this information.


Once again, here’s an overview of the many ways you can view our courses and other products:

A special feature for those (rare) customers who still order the DVD version by post: this title no longer contains a DVD, but a card with an activation code.

This allows the product to be used on the following platforms:

  • Program download (installation for Windows and Mac).
  • ChessBase-Books version (web browser).
  • Stream (video portal) for iPad, tablet, PC, etc.
  • Download the ChessBase installation program and enter your access code. And off you go!

This is what’s delivered:

  • Fritztrainers for 4 platforms: App for Windows, App for Mac, ChessBase books and ChessBase Videostream.
  • Delivery by download or by post (card with serial number).
  • Video course lasting approx. 4-8 hours.
  • With directory database to be saved and integrated in your own directory (in WebApp Opening or in ChessBase)
  • Interactive exercises with video feedback: the authors present the exercises and key positions, and the user proposes a solution. With video feedback (also on errors) and additional explanations.
  • All videos and additional exercises, tests and texts are included in the ChessBase books.

What the FritzTrainer application can do:

  • The videos run in the FritzTrainer App or are integrated into the ChessBase program with virtual chessboards, annotations and a large function bar.
  • The analysis engine can be launched at any time.
  • Stop the video to test your own moves and analyze them in the game notation.
  • Personal variant input, engine analysis and backup.
  • Learning variants: in the ChessBase WebApp Opening, variants are presented by autoplay and learnt by heart (“Drill”) from initial to final position.)
  • Active opening training: selected opening positions are opened in the ChessBase WebApp
  • Fritz online: in a game against Fritz, you test your new knowledge and actively play the new opening.

Even more possibilities: FritzTrainer & ChessBase!

  • The database with all games and analyses can be opened immediately.
  • Parts can be added directly.
  • Direct evaluation, replayable games in the analysis board.
  • Personal variants are directly inserted, saved and can be added to your own directory.
  • Training via replay.
  • LiveBook active.
  • All analysis engines installed in ChessBase can be launched.
  • Assisted analysis.
  • Print notation and diagrams (for worksheets).


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